
May 23, 2017 01:04
What is the element required for an attractive woman in your country?

In Japan, we tend to regard "okuyukashii (奥ゆかしい)" women as beautiful.

"Okuyukashii" is an adjective word that means that something/someone is modest, elegant, and sensitive to people.

"Oku" means "deep inside" and "yukashii" means "to want to go somewhere," so "okuyukashii" means "to want to go to/see/know deep inside something/someone" -- it expresses the feeling of fascination.

Then okuyukashii has come to have the above meanings, and now it usually means a modest/elegant attitude of a woman.

That is to say, attractive Japanese women for Japanese men are okuyukashii women.






No. 1 Monty's correction
  • In Japan, we tend to regard "okuyukashii (奥ゆかしい)" women as beautiful.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • "Okuyukashii" is an adjective word that means that something/someone is modest, elegant, and sensitive to people.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • "Oku" means "deep inside" and "yukashii" means "to want to go somewhere," so "okuyukashii" means "to want to go to/see/know deep inside something/someone" -- it expresses the feeling of fascination.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
good, very good.
Thank you so much for reading my post! :)
No. 2 南蛮人's correction
  • Okuyukashii
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • What is the element required for an attractive woman in your country?
  • What is the element required for most important quality to be an attractive woman in your country?
     Original sentence was OK, but "element" sounds a bit weird.
  • In Japan, we tend to regard "okuyukashii (奥ゆかしい)" women as beautiful.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • "Okuyukashii" is an adjective word that means that something/someone is modest, elegant, and sensitive to people.
  • "Okuyukashii" is an adjective word that means that something/someone is modest, elegant, and sensitive to people.
  • "Oku" means "deep inside" and "yukashii" means "to want to go somewhere," so "okuyukashii" means "to want to go to/see/know deep inside something/someone" -- it expresses the feeling of fascination.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Then okuyukashii has come to have the above meanings, and now it usually means a modest/elegant attitude of a woman.
  • Then okuyukashii has come to have the above meanings, and now it usually means a the modest/elegant attitude of a woman.
  • That is to say, attractive Japanese women for Japanese men are okuyukashii women.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
Great entry as always. Thank you!

Here it's difficult to say which quality is the most important to consider a woman beautiful.

On top of that, I find that there is usually a big gap between what people say is important and what actually explains/motivates the way they behave...

Although not exactly the same thing, have a look at the word "demure".

Thank you very much for correcting my post! (^^)
> Here it's difficult to say which quality is the most important to consider a woman beautiful.
Yes, it's difficult. So I think that I can only say about the tendency.
> Although not exactly the same thing, have a look at the word "demure".
I didn't know the term. I'm not sure but "demure" may imply "oikuyukashii." It's also difficult to convey subtle nuances in another language.